

About Us

Cub Scout Pack 8 is made up of kindergarten through fifth grade boys and girls, mostly from Derynoski Elementary School, but many children from other schools or private schools are part of our pack. The organization of the Pack is standard. Scouts meet in small groups (dens) of 5 to 10 kids. Each den has an adult leader (called a Den Leader), and consists of kids in the same grade. Kindergarteners are Lions, first graders are Tiger Cubs, second graders are Wolf Cubs, third graders are Bear Cubs, fourth grade are Webelos and fifth graders are Arrow of Light.  Dens meet at least once a month in an effort to complete achievements in the goal of advancement through the ranks of cub scouting.  All of the dens together make up the pack.  Pack 8 meets once a month as a whole, on a Monday usually in the Derynoski Cafeteria (prior to COVID).  At Pack 8 we have several traditional (optional) events through out the year such as the Apple Harvest parade, the Pinewood Derby and a camping trip.  In addition, we try to offer the scouts the opportunity to participate in overnights at different interesting places throughout the year.  In the past these have included, Battleship Cove, the Intrepid, the CT Science Museum and Mystic Aquarium.  There are always new and exciting things in the works!  Please refer to the pack calendar for event dates.

Pack 8 is part of the Quinnipiac is one of several subdivisions of the CT Yankee Council.  There are over 300 councils in the United States.  There are often optional district and council level events that scouts can take advantage of as well. 

Each Cub Scout pack is sponsored by a chartering organization. Ours is the Derynoski Elementary School PTO and we very much appreciate their support. Chartering organizations sponsor the pack to the Boy Scouts of America (BSA) and in return receive a “charter” from the BSA to operate the pack. They also appoint a Chartered Organization Representative to the Pack Committee and can assist in the selection of pack leaders.